The choice of a college is ultimately an individual decision and a successful college placement process must honor that. Everyone’s individual strengths and weaknesses come into play when choosing and applying. Our services take that into account and my goal is to empower each student to enthusiastically take on their college placement as they would on any worthwhile adventure.
Our Service consists of:
- an initial strategic meeting of about an hour and a half to two hours with the student and parents. For this meeting the student is asked to bring a high school transcript, a list of accomplishments, a list of extracurricular activities, a list of community service experiences and a list of colleges they are interested in.
- a series of ongoing meeting as individually needed to further develop and implement the college placement plan, strategically covering aspects of the college admission process such as applications, college visits, interviews, essays and SAT or ACT preparation. This usually takes about two or three meetings to accomplish depending on how much college readiness work the student has initially put in.
Varies, depending on individual needs.